Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Zoya Swatches!

So I finally got my package from Zoya! Took longer than I thought but everything was there :) This was a promo that Zoya was having where you buy one item on their website and you get Caitlin and Dove for free! How could I resist?!

From left to right:
Kotori, Caitlin, & Dove

I didn't know what to expect from this color when I first got it, but it's a beautiful fine shimmer glitter polish!
It's looks a bit darker on my nail eh?

Midnight in NY by Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure
Can you see the small shimmer fine rainbow glitters!? It's hard to see :(

A coat of Kotori on top of Midnight in NY
For the first polish, Kotori, I put on three coats! But if you use a black polish first & then Kotori on top, it'll give you the same effect as three coats!

That's all the Zoya swatches for now. Talk to you guys later! :)

1 comment:

  1. Those polishes are cute. I like Kotori and I really like Midnight in NY. I don't think that I have heard of Zoya polishes before, so I'm going to have to check those out. :)


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