Sunday, June 26, 2011

Flip Flop Fantasy

Hey Everyone!

Sorry it's been a little while. I had to cut my nails shorter since one of my nails broke :( But here's a great color for the summer!

no flash

This color is very tricky to take a picture of. It looks hot pink but then it looks like a neon orange! Nonetheless, I love this color! :)

The ring finger was a free style design, so it's super super easy! Watch my tutorial do get this look! :) You can always improvise and use different colors!


  1. I almost got this color on sale but didn't, and now I kind of want it! It totally matches the kicks I recently picked up!
    I like the length of your nails btw! I'm thinking of cutting mine.. but they take forever to grow so it's like gahh :(

  2. this is beautiful! how did you do the pretty design on your ring finger?! love it!

  3. @Eileen: really? It's so short! :( But I guess it's a good break from having long nails :)

    @Laura: thank you! I have a tutorial on how to do the design! Just check out the video in the post or my YouTube channel :)


All comments are read and very much appreciated! :)<3